marzec 2011

About the authors

Katarzyna Leżeńska

Polish fiction and TV writer is an unfulfilled cymbalist and a fed up literature teacher. Author of several contemporary novels published in Poland such as Alez Marianno!, Studnia zyczen, Kamien w sercu. Co-author of Hotel 52" (2010–2013) and Don't worry about me (2014–2015), two successful Polish TV series. She lives in Warsaw with a dog called unpretentiously Dante who, as of now, has not yet written anything of importance.

Darek Milewski

Puppeteer, former dishwasher, busboy, gardener, security officer, file clerk, programmer, consultant, and hacker. At present, he works as a risk management strategist at one of major software development companies. He lives with his wife, Anna, daughter Ruta, turtles and two Russian Blue cats who make him sleepless again on Vashon Island near Seattle.